My Roots…


slowly and slowly they spread,


and, timid, they feed but do not cease, they devour everything and everything is never enough, they want more.

From my mouth they flow sonorous, they change everything like prose gilded in glinting letters, but pay them no mind… run! hide! they lie, a structureless world cannot be real.

Through my feet they split the concrete, leaving steaming, seething tracks. Through my blood, black and starry like the night, the myths of my existence move densely, written in cosmic ink… my legends. And through my eyes they die, poisoned by nostalgia, drowned by so much reality.

But then…

like spontaneous combustion,

my hands revive them with their boiling touch and through sex they seep out as scalding fluids and my skin becomes drunk on their salt.

They grow, slowly, they continue growing inside and out, they expand furious and furious they burn me, they distance themselves from me, they drink up everything, everything, thirsty and fat, rotund they return.

They burn me, slowly, they burn me,

tangled around my body they penetrate me, my roots

inside and out in a

mortal flame.


Translated by  Marie Garcia


Astral personage – Remedios Varo

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